My love for roses began
when I was a child. I can remember the climbing rose outside my bedroom window,
impervious to the hostile elements of city dirt. Aside from its incomparable beauty,
I especially recall the delicate fragrance that filled the room on summer
mornings. And so, when I bought my first house and had a real back yard, I decided
I was going to start a garden and plant roses. I was convinced the soil would
be perfect since we only lived yards away from a babbling brook. Well this bucolic
setting did not live up to its billing: the under-soil was clay and rock, and
the stream, eventually taught me more than I ever wanted to know about ground
water pressure and flooded basements. I spent hours digging just one hole,
extracting rocks and breaking poor quality spades. I persevered and in time, I
had a row of beautiful multi-colored roses which I fed and watered faithfully.
For a few weeks I took pride in their growth but it wasn’t long before they
began to wither, one by one and die. What could have happened? Despite, my
relentless tending, I learned that the ground’s inability to drain caused the
roots to “drown.” With all my digging and watering, I never amended the soil to
properly begin with and prepare it to receive and nourish the plants.
I suppose my initial
efforts as a rose gardener efforts can serve as a metaphor for many moments in
my life. Sometimes, everything’s coming
up roses and sometimes I come up with rocks and wind up breaking things in
the process. Sometimes, I just give up and say the heck with it.
Jesus is asking us here
to bring in our best dirt and appropriate fertilizer, so that his Way can take
root deep within us. This isn’t something that happens by chance, or because
we’re fortunate to have good genes. It’s something we work at. We’re the ones
charged with tilling our own soil so that the Life which Jesus sows may grow in
us, and produce a bounty…even if we wind up breaking a few shovels and spades
in the process; there’s no giving up.
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