The ensuing Pentecostal
commissioning would seem to support this. As the Father has sent Jesus with the
presence of forgiveness, so now Jesus sends them, with the power of the Holy
Spirit: "If you forgive the sins of any, they are forgiven them; if you
retain the sins of any, they are retained."
What is retaining sins about? Is this an ironic portion of the
commissioning that Jesus throws in to make clear their mission is to not be as
the unforgiving servant was in the parable of Matthew 18? How could they retain
the sins of any after experiencing themselves this utterly gracious presence of
Jesus among them as forgiveness? Had they done anything to deserve Jesus'
forgiving presence with them at that moment? Had Jesus himself shown any hint
of retaining their sin? If you don’t
forgive sins, what are you going to do with them?
I think we could agree
that Jesus followers were, to use the vernacular, a “bad hire.” Jesus needed to
call his disciples a second time. The first call didn't stick. They all
abandoned him at his time of need. Why would he do that? Is this the case of a
bad hire? Or is their failure, along with Jesus' forgiveness of it, precisely
their main qualification for being hired as apostles?
Most of us would have
fired them – “You good-for-nothing, fair-weather friends, you failed me! I
never want to see you again! Now that I'm risen I'm going to get myself some
new disciples, some real disciples, someone who will follow me through thick
and thin.” That's what you and I would have said, right? But not Jesus! No,
it's incredible! Not only does he not sack the sorry lot of them; not only does
he not return for vengeance; not only does he come instead with peace; but he
hires them to go out into the world extending the word of forgiveness to
others!! And, some time later, when Jesus goes out to hire the person he wants
to take this message of forgiveness to the ends of the earth, he hires Saul,
one who is guilty of killing some of Jesus' first messengers. Is Jesus crazy?
No, of course not. He's
the Son of God, and so he definitely does things differently from what we would
do. To spread a message of forgiveness, he hires not those who appear blameless
or somehow most worthy. He hires those who truly know that they themselves
have been forgiven.
You and I are called as
disciples of Jesus. Why? Because we are somehow better than others? No, the job
description for being a disciple of Jesus begins with knowing how wrong you are
[Alison's The Joy of Being Wrong], with knowing how much you are
forgiven. It begins by recognizing our own guilt and then having the wonderful
experience of being forgiven for it. Life can begin anew! There is a joy in
being forgiven, and that joy is knowing the life-giving power of being
forgiven. (Adapted from Gil Bailie,
“The Gospel of John” Audio Tape Series #12)
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