Tuesday, April 30, 2013

The Peace that surpasses all understanding


Jesus in John 14:23-29  asks that we not let our hearts be troubled. Is he kidding? Our world is in a perpetual state of turmoil. How do we make sense of the bombings in Boston and the terrible tragedy in Texas? The U.S. economy continues to hobble along at an unacceptable pace. Ongoing debate over immigration and health care reform make us wonder where is God in all these deliberations, the end point of which is political advantage and not doing what’s right for people. And now, eyes abroad are focused on new developments in Syria…did its malevolent dictator use Saran gas to annihilate his people? And we're not supposed to be troubled? And what about the day-to-day personal hurdles that seem insurmountable?

Peace is often defined as the “freedom from upset, anxiety and disturbance.” But just maybe the peace that Jesus speaks of is not the absence of something but the addition of something." John tells us that God wants us to abide in the comfort of knowing that our faith does not remove difficult things but rather, it gives us the “tools” and the ability to deal with them as part of our human condition.  As such, faith is not some divine shut-off valve that stops the hurt but rather, it prevents life’s hurts from dominating us and defining who we are, thereby preventing us from living fully human in the presence of turmoil. The peace of Christ is given to us when we surrender our egos and trust—not our circumstances but in God.

 Peace does not mean to be in a place where there is no noise or trouble o hard work; it means to be in the midst of these things and still be calm in your heart (anonymous)




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